Four Perspectives on Delivering ‘Return on Experience’ Follow-up Notes

And now, as promised, the link-laced follow-up to this week’s “Four Perspectives on delivering ‘Return on Experience.’” Our UX Gurus on the panel were: Susan Greenfield, a Senior UX Designer at Infusion Ernie Taylor, a Project Manager at Infusion Bill Baldasti, the VP of Canadian Accounts for Infusion Daniel Cox, an Interactive Designer at Frozen… Continue reading Four Perspectives on Delivering ‘Return on Experience’ Follow-up Notes

WPF Commanding – When do Commands re-evaluate their CanExecute method?

I had been merrily using WPF’s built-in support for the Command Pattern for ages (see Commanding Overview, MSDN Docs, and article on implementing the command pattern in WPF, Jeff Druyt)… when suddenly it occured to me that I had no idea what triggered WPF to determine whether or not a command can be executed. Let… Continue reading WPF Commanding – When do Commands re-evaluate their CanExecute method?

National Productivity Centre Launch

You’d be forgiven for being surprised to find out that I haven’t yet begun my travels, and haven’t even dipped my toe in the water for more scuba. Instead, I’ve been working as an independent consultant for the past few weeks, helping to complete the development of the first application for Ireland’s National Productivity Centre,… Continue reading National Productivity Centre Launch