Welcome to the Queen's Engineering Society on the LegendWeb!A word from the President
"Renowned Spirit, Unrivalled Excellence" This tiny phrase symbolizes the past one hundred years of growth, achievements, and most of all friendships that are the Engineering Society. The Society is built on the unique sense of community that surrounds Queens Engineering. People donate their time, their energy, and their heart to this group to make it the dynamic and vibrant organization it is. The Society of Engineers at Queens has done some pretty phenomenal stuff over the past hundred years. We built our own building, created the Campus Bookstore out of our own Tech Supplies shop, built a pub, created a career center now used for all campus, started a science camp that laid the seeds that have since grown into a Canada-wide organization, and too many other things to mention. The most amazing thing about Queens engineers is that they never rest. They keep pushing the Society forward, overcoming new challenges. As the current manager of the Bookstore (our Bookstore!) once said: "The engineers have a bit of a reputation: if they dont like the way somethings being done, they do it themselves." Thats what Queens engineering is all about: people striving to make the world around them just a little bit better. To all who have contributed to the Engineering Society over the past 100 years in any way, from a stray thought on the way to class to taking a short trip to U of T to gather up some sporting equipment in 1955, we are all honored to be a part of your legacy. To all those yet to come, your future holds years of great friendships and fantastic times. Queens a place where you can make your thoughts and dreams reality. Finally, I would like to say sincerely that this "experience" (the Legend of the Greasepole is so much more than just a game) is the result of one of the most fantastic expenditures of effort and drive that I have ever seen. For all of the people who helped in its creation, congratulations. And for Rob and Craig, words cannot express my respect for the vision it took to take a silly idea bounced around in jest, see its underlying merit, and make that vision a reality. Renowned spirit, unrivalled excellence I can think of no better words.
Contacting Queen's Engineering SocietyEngineering Society of Queen's University Clark Hall Email: engsoc@post.queensu.ca Special Thanks