Game Tweaks
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The Pole Game: Advanced Options

Geeks can use the following "switches" (or combinations of them) to change the behavior of The Pole Game.  (If you have no idea what this is about, just ignore this section completely and you won't miss out on anything.)

To use a switch, Click the Windows Start button, select "Run..." from the menu, and enter the following including the quotation marks (assuming you installed the game to the default directory):

"C:\Program Files\Legend of the Greasepole\Polegame.exe" /wh

Replace wh with the switches you'd like to use.

polegame /w Runs the game in a window.
polegame /h Force the game to run in high (16-bit) colour mode.
polegame /l Force the game to run in low (8-bit) colour mode.
polegame /a Force the game to load all sound effects at once when the game is activated (Takes a long time but makes gameplay smoother.  Do not use if your computer has 32MB of memory or less.)
polegame /8 Force the game to mix sounds in 8-bits.  (Default is 16-bit)
polegame /m Force the game to mix sounds in mono format. (Default is stereo)
polegame /s Force the game to deactivate sound effects entirely. (Will override above options if used.)
polegame /d Active debug output mode.

Super Advanced Option

When the game is running and you're in the middle of selecting your discipline bars, type C-H-P. The Ritual Bar will appear.  Add the Ritual Bar to your jacket's sleeve.  Play the game and look for some new surprises.

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Legend of the Greasepole Website maintained by Rob Burke. Last updated October 2004.