The High Scores
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42:37.59 53:19.00
Steve "Spaceman Spiff" White, SciO2 Sean Murray, Sci '05

Steve "Spaceman" Spiff's screenshot of his high score

"I was actually playing in my room before dinner, I just thought I'd have a little game, and it kept going and going and going. The frosh were getting tired, I used soooo many apples, soooo much beer, soooo much pizza, and of course, PHYS 114 saved me many times. I was getting hungry, and out of ammo.   THEY GOT THE TAM ON MY LAST APPLE!! It was so intense, I couldn't go down, 'cause they'd get the tam! I was playing as a Mechanical with Materials Science Option, and of course the Ritual bar."
-- Steve on his World-Beating Performance
(Ritual Bar?  You must have typed "C-H-P" when selecting your engineering discipline!  Cool!)

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Legend of the Greasepole Website maintained by Rob Burke. Last updated October 2004.