Frosh Wk. Photos
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The Gallery: Frosh Week Memories

Fun with a Digital Camera

Here are some great shots from Frosh Week '97.  They were taken with the Nikon Coolpix 300, a fabulous little device without which the game could never have been.

Oil Thigh 1.jpg (114756 bytes) Oil Thigh at the Highland Games behind Vic Hall.

Queen's Bands arrive on the Highland Games Scene

Queens Bands 1.jpg (104750 bytes)
Queens Bands 2.jpg (138712 bytes) The Drum Major busts a move.
Lanolin on the Pole 2.jpg (195671 bytes) Greasing up the Sci '01's Pole.  I was too... excited... to pause for a moment and take off my GPA.
See that guy?  He's gonna wish he'd sobered up before making the same mistake.  I bet his jacket still smells a bit like mold, and you can still feel the goopy lanolin. Ah well, it'll give it character. Lanolin on the Pole 1.jpg (208077 bytes)

Mud at the pit.  Click here for more great Greasepole shots!

Mud 1.jpg (183641 bytes)

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Legend of the Greasepole Website maintained by Rob Burke. Last updated October 2004.