SCI '99 Says...
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"Our observer at the Pole Site phoned out the word...

"...and moments later the news crackled over the CB's:   "They've got the tam! The Stick is on the move, over."


By a member of Sci '99's Pole Observation and Retrieval Network

Months of planning were about to be put to the test.  Standing on top of our vehicle, Viper made visual contact with the target several minutes later.

The first question of direction was answered as the target started west down the crowded road.  Closely following the target out of the pit site was an unmarked police cruiser noted earlier in the day, and as the target continued down the road the chase vehicles and frosh vehicles pulled into pursuit positions. The jockeying for position which ensued set the standard for the remainder of the chase. No one wanted an accident, but all were determined to have the pole at the end of the day. The target reached the first road to take it to the highway, and turned to the north away from the highway. On the straightaway the cruiser lit up and whizzed by up to the target, having lost several positions to both the chase vehicles and the frosh vehicles.

A small village was torn apart as the two dozen or so vehicles flew through with no reduction in speed and a disregard for traffic signs.  The target took a small rural road, wide enough for two cars and not much else.  Two frosh vehicles pulled into a roadblock, but the unmarked police cruiser, having been forced back again, broke it up with a blast of the siren so that the cruiser can stay with the target. The target, the police cruiser, and Goose pulled ahead as the frosh slowed to cut off the pursuit vehicles.

The cellphones stopped working due to lack of coverage that far out, cutting us off from our air support and main headquarters for the next portion of the chase.  An RV parked by the side of the road provided an opportunity for the frosh, as the road was so narrow that the side of the road included most of the road, only leaving enough room for one vehicle to pass without dropping into the ditch. The pursuit was held up briefly, but, although the doors to the frosh vehicle were locked, threatening gestures of smashing the windows with a pair of bolt cutters and some nudges to the bumper got things moving again. By this point the pursuit had spread out along side roads to limit the choices of direction for the target, and only Viper, Maverick (the mobile headquarters), and Goose remained in immediate pursuit, along with several frosh vehicles and Sci'98 vehicles.

Cruising at triple-digit speeds down a winding rural road barely wide enough for two cars abreast, the string of about one dozen pursuit cars really should have been separated by more than a foot between each bumper.

Finally back onto real roads, heading north.  The vehicles approached a major road which Goose and the target had already taken.  The police officers didn't seem to like the idea of the chase going onto the highway, so they stopped in the turn lane. One of the frosh cars was stopped, but as the police officers stepped out to talk to them (the only ticket of the chase), the rest of the chase group and frosh blockers tore by on either side through a parking lot and around the other side of the traffic island.

Goose up ahead radioed back where the gaps in traffic were to maximize passing opportunities, and the remaining vehicles began to close the gap.  The target entered a city, with several pursuit vehicles immediately behind.  The target took whichever turns were necessary to minimize stopping, as every time it stopped people bailed out of the pursuit vehicles to try to reach it.

The target pulled down a side street, trying to double back to get to the highway. Seizing the opportunity, Goose rocketed by the target at an opportune moment and stopped, blocking the road.  Viper pulled to the back of the target to block the exit, and everyone bailed out of the vehicles.  Maverick pulled up beside the target, and the wheel blocks were applied.

With capture imminent, the frosh offered a large sum of money in cash for their freedom, but the P.O.R.N. stars had only one goal in mind. The truck club was applied to the wheel, and the target was ours.    After just a few hours, Sci '01 had become Sci No Pole.

Minutes later, the lock was removed from the back of the truck, and the door slid up to reveal THE POLE!


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Legend of the Greasepole Website maintained by Rob Burke. Last updated October 2004.