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QPID: Queen's Project on International Developmentqpid.gif (10298 bytes)

In the South American countries of Bolivia, Guyana, and Peru, and in some parts of our own country there is a need for potable water, access to medical services, and enhanced education. The irony of the situation is that there is an abundance of young enthusiastic university students who are eager to cooperate in trying to find solutions to these problems.

Queen's Project on International Development (QPID) strives to meet these needs by providing aid to developing communities and providing professional international experience for young Canadians. QPID operates on the following principles:

  • Non-Profit and Student Operated
    All of QPID's members are student volunteers from diverse academic, cultural and economic backgrounds.
  • Grass Roots Development Projects
    QPID works directly with developing communities on small-scale engineering, environmental, social and educational projects.
  • Sustainable Development
    Projects are designed to provide long term benefits that can be maintained by the host communities. By providing students with practical overseas experience, QPID trains individuals who will be able to contribute to international development throughout their careers.

Since its establishment in 1990, QPID's primary objective has been to work in conjunction with both Canadian and international organizations on development projects. Recently, QPID has expanded to develop a First Nations project in which QPID members work in conjunction with Native communities here in Canada. By providing human, financial, and technical resources, QPID cooperants play a significant role in achieving the goals of the communities in which they work. In addition to making valuable contributions, cooperants benefit immeasurably from their experiences. QPID provides professional, cultural and personal experiences that last a lifetime.

QPID focuses its development efforts in three main areas:

  • Small Scale Engineering Projects
    QPID helps to meet the short and long term needs of developing communities by providing basic, appropriate technology infrastructure. Although work is performed in other areas, most of QPID's engineering projects are aimed at providing potable water.
  • Environmental and Social initiatives
    QPID aims to inform the Queen's and Kingston communities about development and related political and social issues including those which pertain to Native Canadians. Motivated by the importance of the environment QPID has worked with several communities to assess and mitigate environmental problems and concerns.
  • Education Programs
    QPID helps to ensure the sustainability of development by teaching children, continuing teacher workshops and providing learning resources.

QPID's projects are performed in cooperation with local organizations who have identified needs within their communities. The implementation of QPID's projects does not itself constitute the goal, but only the means or instrument through which communal development is motivated. This motivation manifests itself in the constant and permanent participation of the community in its own development.

QPID does not pretend to solve all the world's problems. It does, however, strive to make a contribution toward the betterment of the communities in which it works. Through this effort we all benefit, both South Americans and Canadians.

Information about this year's QPID activities is available on the EngSoc Web.  This information is not on the Legend of the Greasepole CD, but if you have an active Internet connection, click here to find out more about QPID.

Science Questsciquest.jpg (53787 bytes)

"I do, I understand."

That motto has formed the basis of our program's philosophy for the past 10 years. In 1988, two engineering students saw a need to stimulate interest in science, engineering and math among young people. They started an innovative summer day camp that used "hands-on" experimentation to foster this interest. Now, in our tenth year, our programs have expanded tremendously but the grass-roots philosophy which has made Science Quest successful remains the same. As well, Science Quest provides positive female and male role models for the young people we encounter. Since our inception in 1988, other universities across Canada have developed their own programs and it has developed into a national organization, Youth and Engineering Science Camps Canada/Camps canadiens pour les Jeunes en Science et Genie (YES Camps JSG). This organization, now with 26 members across the country, will reach approximately 190,000 children next summer. Science Quest itself reaches close to 10,000 children a year.

Information about this year's Science Quest activities is available on the EngSoc Web.  This information is not on the Legend of the Greasepole CD, but if you have an active Internet connection, click here to learn more about Science Quest.

Women in Science and Engineering (WISE)

Women in Science and Engineering Corporation (WISE) is a national association with headquarters in Toronto. Founded in 1977, WISE has chapters in Toronto, Ottawa, Sarnia, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland with approximately 300 science and engineering members. The objectives of WISE are to:

  1. Encourage young women to seek higher education and achievement
  2. Assist women entering the science and engineering professions
  3. Act as an information centre for Canadian women
  4. Further awareness of professions in science and engineering

To meet these objectives WISE chapters have established career guidance programs at high schools and universities. Our members act as role models and speak to students about science and engineering career opportunities, as well as our individual fields of specialization. In addition, some of our chapters have developed a mentor program with the school boards which allow a student to spend one working day with a professional in the student's area of interest.

Other activities include the publication of a newsletter, liaison with other engineering, scientific and women's organizations, acting as an adovacte for women's interests on technical and non-technical issues, and monthly meetings with members. These meetings feature guest speakers on topics ranging from highly technical to general interest.

WISE is an energetic professional organization whose members are dedicated to achieving its objectives and increasing the awareness of professions in science and engineering.

Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institue (CASI), Queen's Chapter

Queen's CASI is a student-run chapter of this world-renowned Canadian organization. Our goal is to introduce students to concepts in Aeronautics and Space Science and to help foster an atmosphere for further pursuit, either personal or academic. Areas of interest include aerodynamics, methods of propulsion, space flight and space exploration, control and communications, materials science, and medicine as it pertains to aerospace research. Presentations by speakers from Queen's as well as from industry and research will be offered throughout the year on a variety of topics.

Opportunities for practical and hands-on experience in aerospace design are offered through two model aircraft competition teams, one radio controlled and one free-flight. More information about any of these can be obtained from Quenn's CASI. Journals and other literature are available for members' use.

Queen's CASI also provides the chance for students to establish connections with management, engineers and researchers in key companies in the Aerospace Industry in a relaxing environment. If you have questions about a future in Aerospace or you simply have an interest, CASI is the place for you.


Queen's Engineering and Science Environmental Coalition (QESEC) is a project-oriented environment group open to all engineering and science students interested in getting involved. QESEC has local projects planned for Queen's and the Kingston community, and is developing both national and international projects. QESEC doesn't just talk about the environment, they do something about it!

Goals: To apply the knowledge and skills of engineering and science students to projects; to develop new skills and gain valuable practical experience; to educate ourselves on current environmental issues.

Project Objectives: To research and conduct a project in Kingston during the school year with the potential to expand during the summer; to research and develop a project to be conducted during the summer at a Canadian locale.

General meetings, with guest speakers on environmental topics, are held monthly and project meetings are held weekly as needed. The QESEC office is 050B in the JDUC.   Come out and get involved!

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Legend of the Greasepole Website maintained by Rob Burke. Last updated October 2004.